PHIL BOISSIERE is an accomplished executive coach, cognitive performance expert, and Silicon Valley entrepreneur. He brings his zest for life, professionalism, humor, and love of the natural world to all aspects of his work. He has dedicated himself to helping business leaders and entrepreneurs excel with purpose and passion. He believes that when motivated people are given the tools to succeed they will reach their goals and live a life that is rich with meaning. He brings education and an understanding of neurology and it’s role in optimal performance to his clients. Phil holds a certificate in functional nutrition, which allows him to provide valuable education and insights into the role of nutrition in optimal brain performance.

Phil’s lectures and trainings have been well received by many institutions, including: Northwestern University, University of San Francisco, The American Family Therapy Academy, and TEDx.

He also works with organizations, educational institutions, and businesses to create custom curriculum, trainings, and lectures.

Phil co-founded the Elite Focus Clinic in the Silicon Valley specializing in the treatment of adult ADHD, especially amongst entrepreneurs, business professionals, and attorneys connected to the tech world.

He also founded Beyond Focused a web-based video learning series providing simple and proven methods for improving focus and performance.

3 words to describe Nature?

Grounding. Powerful. Wise

3 things Nature taught you?

That the noise of the world in my head is just that, noise.

That we are inseparable from the natural world and our arrogance as humans has tricked us into thinking we can and therefore leading us to destroy it.

What living really is.

3 most treasured Nature spots?

A mushroom shaped reef on the backside of Buck Island off of St. Thomas USVI (if it still exists post hurricanes of 2017).

The “Salt Caves” in Purisima Creek Preserve, in San Mateo County.

Salmon Hole, a swimming hole in Butte Creek outside Chico, CA

When you look at the ocean, it makes you feel…?

Alive, unbelievably alive. The ocean has always had the power to make me run, jump, swim, cry, and laugh all at the same time. My little ones have the same experience. Our shoes are off rain or shine before we even hit the sand.

When you see a forest, it makes you feel…?

The forest makes me feel healthy and calm. I tend to have the feeling that I want to curl up under a decaying log or fern in a redwood grove and become one with the cool and damp earth.

When you see a volcano, it makes you feel…?

I’ve only seen an active volcano in my dreams. I dreamt often of them when I was a child. Maybe I’ll call a therapist to find out what it means 😉

When you see a sunrise or sunset, it makes you feel…?

Frozen, in a good way. I tend to stop everything and look, look, look, and comment on the beauty. Doesn’t matter if I am in mid conversation. My daughter used to say “Daddy, you are always talking about how pretty the light is.” Now, she is able to identify in advance when the clouds are in just the right place for a great sunset. I do prefer sunrise though. The feeling of optimism of the new beautiful day is incredible.

When you hear thunder, it makes you feel…?

Excited! Very excited. I love the rain that comes with thunder and lightning.

When you hear the wind howling, it makes you feel…?

Anxious. Wind has always had a weird effect on my mood. Makes me cranky. Unless I am on a sailboat, then bring it on!

Are you an Ocean, Mountain, Forest, or Desert person?

I spent most of my life as an ocean person. I still am, but have developed a deep love for the mountains. Snow or no snow, the power of a mountain top cannot be beat.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how important is Nature to your well-being?

Does the dial go to 11? If it does, turn it up.

Share with us a childhood nature memory?

One of my fondest nature memories as a kid is holding my mom’s hand as little guy on the beach as the surf buried out feet in the sand. I feel like growing up before the zombie era of technological distractions was a gift. A gift of mindful connection to nature and myself. I try to give my kids the same. No TV in our house, and we are out and about exploring the coastline and urban forests of San Francisco rain or shine.